New student registration is only for students new to LCSC. If your student attended a Logansport School at the end of school last year, they are considered a returning student. Students that moved away last year before the end of the school year but will be returning for this school year are considered a new student.
Registration for the 2024-2025 school year will open on July 16th. Students cannot register prior to that date.

Welcome to the new student registration page for Logansport Community School Corporation!
Step One
The first step to register your new student for the school year is by contacting the school your child will be attending. Our main office staff will ask for student and parent/guardian information to begin the registration process. If you are unsure what school your child will be attending, please contact the LCSC Administration Office at 574-722-2911. Prior to calling, please make sure to know the student's name, date of birth, address, and phone number.
Step Two
Once your Parent Portal account has been created by your child's school, you can proceed with student registration. During registration you will be asked to provide the following information:
Medical information about your child
Transportation needs such as addresses for pickup and/or dropoff locations, including daycare information
Emergency contacts and phone numbers
Previous school information if applicable (school name, address, phone number)
To begin step three, sign in to your Parent Portal account by going to Parent Portal. Once you are signed in to your Parent Portal account you should see all student(s) names displayed in the top left corner (if you are enrolling more than one student, repeat this step for each student). To get started, select 'Forms' on the left side of the screen. Next, select the enrollment tab. After selecting enrollment, all enrollment forms should appear on your screen. To begin enrolling your student, click the first form and begin. After each form is complete, click submit located at the bottom right of each page. Continue this process until you have completed all enrollment forms. A tutorial video on student enrollment can be found by clicking here.
Step Three
After completing the online portion of registration, you will need to bring the following with you to complete the process at the school your child will be attending.
Birth Certificate
Immunization Records
Social Security Card (if available)
Any court-ordered custody information
Proof of Residency