Watch the archives of the 1 Berry Lane Podcast.
Logansport High School YouTube Channel
Episode 1- Felix the Cat
Episode 2- Logansport High School Speech Team
Episode 3- Assistant Principal, Mr. JD Dubes
Episode 4- Supt. Mrs. Michele Starkey
Episode 5- Supt. Mrs. Michele Starkey
Episode 6- History Teachers, Mr. Bryan Looker and Mr. Pete Lundy
Episode 7- Science Teacher, Mr. Andrew Bever
Episode 8- Softball Coach, Mr. Cory Cripe and Baseball Coach, Sgt. Dan Frye
Episode 9- LCSC Crystal Berry Award Winner, LHS Art Teacher- Mrs. Amy Werner
Episode 10- Cast of Mamma Mia! (11/10/22)
Episode 11- eSports (12/15/22)
Episode 12- Magpie (2/16/23)
Episode 13 The Cahalan's (5/16/23)