Superintendent of Schools (Michele Starkey)
Logansport High School Principal (Matt Jones)
School Board Members (Milt Hess, Mike McCord)
LHS Faculty Members (Beth Myers, John Davis-retired, Cory Cripe)
Community Leaders (Paul Kroeger, Carmen Jones)
LCSC Administrator (Kellie Pearson)

The purpose of the Logansport High School Hall of Distinction is to give lasting recognition to Logansport High School graduates who have made exceptional contributions to the achievements and prestige of the Logansport Community School Corporation. Furthermore, it is the purpose of the Hall of Distinction to promote more interest in Logansport High School and to display before current Logansport students, the success of past graduates who have contributed in making Logansport schools exceptional.
Criteria for Nominations
Any Logansport High School graduate who has made substantial contributions to the achievements of Logansport Community School Corporation, and/or reflects positively thereon, is eligible for nomination. All honorees must have conducted themselves in such a manner to reflect and maintain honor upon Logansport Community School Corporation and have qualities of character and standards of conduct that are exemplary.
Moral character and good citizenship will be taken into consideration. The record of scholarship and/or achievement must be so outstanding that there are no questions of qualifying for the Hall of Distinction.
Additional clarification for nomination criteria is as follows:
Honor is reserved for LHS graduates of distinction. Individuals who have distinguished themselves through outstanding accomplishment on a local, state, or national level of prominence.
This award recognizes accomplishments in diverse fields of endeavor.
Graduates are not eligible until more than five years has elapsed from graduation.
The recipient will be asked to speak at LHS Commencement.
Nominations may be made by any person, and individuals not selected shall remain on the list for consideration for a three-year period. These individuals are eligible for re-nomination. Nominations must be in writing, and received in the Office of the Principal.
Return completed nomination forms to the Office of Principal:
Matt Jones
Logansport High School
1 Berry Lane, Logansport, IN 46947