Parents, Please make sure alternative transportation arrangements have been made for students who ride the mini bus for Apriln10th and 11th. The mini bus will not be running on those days.
almost 6 years ago, Fairview
We have kicked off our Book Fair Buy One Get One Free April 1st - April 5th you can buy before and after school! Don't forget our Parent Shopping Night on Wednesday, April 3, 2019 from 5 to 7 pm. 📖
almost 6 years ago, Fairview
Book Fair
Our Battle of the Books team has been working hard and gearing up for their competition on April 10 and 11 at the Logansport/Cass County Public Library. Good Luck, Team!
almost 6 years ago, Chris Hess
It's spring and time for spring pictures. Friday, April 12 will be individual and class spring picture day.
almost 6 years ago, Chris Hess
I hope you all have made plans to stop by Fairview on Friday, April 5 from 6-8, anytime, to view a piece of framed artwork created by every student in the school. These pieces WILL be for sale so come and enjoy these masterpieces!
almost 6 years ago, Chris Hess
Do you love to read? How about a Buy One Get One Free at the Spring Book Fair? We will be hosting this popular event on April 1-5 in our Media Center. Extended hours for evening shopping will be Wed. April 3, from 5:00 pm-7:00 pm
almost 6 years ago, Chris Hess